
Why Jimmy Hoffa Jr Is Wrong About Medicare For All

I have been a proud member of Teamsters Local 252 for over two decades now. I have seen our union get more and more cozy in bed with industry as the time has passed. Never has this been more clear than when our weak and feckless leader made a stand against Medicare For All. 

"The Teamsters have health care for all. And I just think we have to educate (the candidates) on that issue. I can't believe they would say that we're going to give up our insurance."

Either he’s just plain stupid, or he’s been paid off by the medical insurance companies. I have medical insurance. I’m one of the lucky citizens of the U.S.A. But with every claim denied I am reminded that we need Medicare For All. With every sick person I have serving me food at a restaurant, I am reminded why we need Medicare For All. With every Teamster member that ends up with cancer, and has to continue to work even through their last days of life, just so that they can continue medical care until they are dead, I am reminded why we need Medicare For All. 

You see, Mr. Hoffa, the insurance companies have totally failed at their job to take care of us. People who fail that badly at their job need to be fired. It seems that you are one of those people, because you are failing your members by not pushing for Medicare For All. You have failed at your job by not endorsing the most consistently Pro-Union candidate in my lifetime. Senator Bernie Sanders has always been on the correct side of history. Senator Bernie Sanders has consistently been very vocal about his support for unions. He doesn’t just support the unions during an election. His voting record speaks louder than anything could. If you ever paid attention to what will help your members, you would know this. 

I implore you to prove me wrong. I beg you to show everyone that you indeed do have a backbone. Show us long standing members that you give a rat’s ass about us. Because right now most of us consider you a corporate sellout, and a disgrace to the name Hoffa. 

This opinion piece was inspired by and references the following sources:





Photo by Piron Guillaume

Providence Region Medical Center fails at taking care staff

For those that don't know, this website is run by a loud and proud member of the Teamsters union (local 252). It is a personal blog (for the most part), so things on here are things I care about.

Right now we have a union sister asking for help. I support all unions, but this situation really irritates me. As we progressives are fighting for Medicare For All, Providence Region Medical Center is not taking care of their staff. They rake in millions, but can't take care of the people who work for them? Isn't that supposed to be their 'wheelhouse?' If they can't take care of their staff, how can we expect their staff to take care of us.

Please leave Kim Williams - CEO of Providence Region Medical Center a voicemail asking that their union contracts be settled fairly and quickly. They're attempting to take away their sick time and offer a .5% (Point Five!) wage increase after the cost of living has gone up over 12%. Please share and call Kim Williams at 425-261-4288!


Who Will Stand With The Custodians?

So things are about to get intense at work. I am a head custodian at a local high school. I have worked for the district for two decades. There are a few things I have learned about this job.


Most people are clueless about the difference between a janitor and a custodian. A janitor just cleans. A custodian wears three hats. Janitor, minor maintenance, and security. Unofficially we wear many more, but those three are what we are paid to do.


There has never been an army of angry parents at a school board meeting demanding more custodians be hired. No, I mean ever. I mean in the history of the United States Of America. I am talking about the entire country. Ever.


When cuts are made, custodians are always cut first when budgets are tight.


We are always asked to take one for the team and promised that they will make it up to us next time.


When things go wrong in any situation, the guy at the bottom of the proverbial ladder will be blamed. The people who control the money, and created this situation, and could stop the problem, will never be blamed or attacked.


Right before the blue collar workers are to enter into contract negotiations, the school district will start talking about how tight money is. This starts about a year before the contract ends. Money is never tight whenever the suits in the district office get their raises.


We are about to go into negotiations. It’s going to get intense for all the reasons I mentioned above. Teachers are in the same boat we are. We love you teachers and believe you deserve better than what you are getting.


I know you parents will stand with the teachers and you totally should. In fact, many of us custodians have talked about standing with our amazing teaching staff as well.


But I now ask you parents and teachers a very important question. Are you ready to make history? Are you ready to do something they never saw coming?



How many of you will stand with us custodians?  


Please share this story and let everyone know. I can only offer my most sincere and humble thank you. We need you, seriously.