Kim Williams

Providence Region Medical Center fails at taking care staff

For those that don't know, this website is run by a loud and proud member of the Teamsters union (local 252). It is a personal blog (for the most part), so things on here are things I care about.

Right now we have a union sister asking for help. I support all unions, but this situation really irritates me. As we progressives are fighting for Medicare For All, Providence Region Medical Center is not taking care of their staff. They rake in millions, but can't take care of the people who work for them? Isn't that supposed to be their 'wheelhouse?' If they can't take care of their staff, how can we expect their staff to take care of us.

Please leave Kim Williams - CEO of Providence Region Medical Center a voicemail asking that their union contracts be settled fairly and quickly. They're attempting to take away their sick time and offer a .5% (Point Five!) wage increase after the cost of living has gone up over 12%. Please share and call Kim Williams at 425-261-4288!
