The following voters guide was done by Progressive photographer Tracey Carlos. Tracey has become a voice that can be 100% trusted and has never let us down. This is re-posted by permission from her personal Facebook page.
It is election time! Here are my endorsements based on who is on my ballot in the order they are listed first then some local races near me but not in my district
Initiative 1631
Initiative 1639
Initiative 940
Maintain Advisory Vote 19
Maria Cantwell
Denny Heck
Laurie Dolan
Beth Doglio
Steven Drew
Mary Johnson Hall
Linda Enlow
Tye Menser
Gary Winlock
Victor M. Minjares
Jeff Gadman
Susan Owens
Steve Gonzalez
Sheryl Gordon McCloud
Rebecca Glasgow
(I need to ask people about the district court judges)
Linda Oosterman
Proposition No 1 - Intercity Transit
Not on my ballot
Irene Bowling
Anneliese Feld
David Daggett
Brennan Bailey
Christine Kilduff
Sarah Smith
The Lacey and Tumwater Parks Propositions
Good luck to all those on this list!!!