
The problem with call out culture

Our corporate overlords have tentacles that reach everywhere, so boycotts no longer work. So often I have seen people defiantly announce they are boycotting _____ evil corp.

Then I ask them what brand they are buying instead. Their response often is another brand owned by the same company. Other than that it's another company just as evil. So what do we do?

There is no way for call out culture to work, but there is a way for regulations to work.

This is why we have regulations. Calling out Amazon because they have been successful and weaving between current laws creates a game of wack-o-mole. Sure you could get them to stop doing that evil thing that you hate, but every other company is still doing it. So you've created unfair competition. Another evil company then rises to where they were, and you target them. The cycle continues.

In the old days farmers would put a yolk on an ox to plow a field. Let that ox run wild through town? You end up with dead villagers that have big holes through them. The ox isn't evil. Getting rid of all ox wouldn't have done anyone any good. But put that yolk on the ox and suddenly that ox is serving the village in a wonderful way.

A regulation (when done well) creates a more fair competition. If everyone is prevented from doing that evil thing you hate, they all must find a way to succeed without being evil in that specific way.

Are there examples one could give where a regulation wasn't well thought out? Sure. But it's not the concept of regulations that is the problem.

We need to push for better regulations, more regulations, and stop call out culture.