Savagely United

Momentum is all that matters to me

So Bernie Sanders has entered the race. Although I was passionately behind him the first time, I questioned if he could get the momentum again. It's pretty difficult to catch lightening in a bottle twice.

Now before you Hillary Clinton fans get too excited, let me point out that Hillary Clinton is only 6 years younger than Bernie. So any jokes about his age only come off as nothing more than sour grapes. Please don't forget that she was the one who got the official nomination. She received his endorsement. She was the "IT" girl for the DNC from the beginning. They made it clear that they didn't care about the primary, and were going to do everything they could to make sure she won that nomination. She still lost to Trump. So chill. There are many amazing female candidates out there for you to get excited about. I ask you to put your energy into promoting them instead of bashing any candidate. You don't like him. Great! Use that. This is what the primary is about. If you don't want him to win in the primary, work like crazy to lift up one of the many great women running. They are pretty amazing and deserve your passion.

Let's keep it as positive as possible. Let's keep it about a person's voting record. Let's keep it about their chances at beating the bloated Cheeto we currently have for a president. But most importantly let's keep it about who has the most momentum.

So this primary I am not going to get too excited about anyone just yet. I am going to see who has the most momentum. Momentum is all that matters to me.

How can I have such a calloused attitude about this primary? Because I only care about beating Trump. That's first. Second, please look at our Congress. It's full of amazing women, minorities, and young people. It's full of the future! No matter what Democrat we get in the White House, they will be pressured to get behind the things that congress wants to get behind. So even if we get some sell out liberal who's corporate backers want them to vote against (for example) Medicare For All wins, they will be put in their place by that congress.

If we can get more minorities, women, and young people to win over the senate too? It's all over for the corporate backed Democrats.

So can we just make sure the DNC doesn't start looking to extinguish any flames? If someone is burning hot, fuel that fire! Let's get behind that person!

I will end with this. I am going to start posting more often, but every post will end with the following hashtag. #SavagelyUnited Because when this primary is over, we need to be Savagely United. Who's with me at least on that?