Elisabeth Warren

Because Rome wasn't built in a day

Rome wasn’t built in a day. Most change happens through evolution, not revolution. This is a very important thing for my fellow liberals to remember. We have had a record breaking number of minorities in the Democratic Primary this election. That my friends is a damn beautiful thing. That is progress. That is something to celebrate. That is something to be proud of. But where do we go from here? 

How about we complain and throw temper tantrums? 

When I was in school, we were taught about the term W.A.S.P. No, not the extremely controversial 80’s metal band that switched to Christian rock half a decade ago. I mean White Anglo Saxon Protestant. No one ever talks about that term anymore. The reason is that it has been obliterated. We haven’t had a true W.A.S.P. president in well over a decade

Progress is slow. Progress demands patience, but I think that’s why Bernie is the wise choice. He’s been patient with his mission for longer than I’ve been alive.

But he is also the only candidate that has put such a great effort into putting things in place for progress after his term

It would be silly to dismiss his part in getting Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez elected. She’s not old enough to run yet, but she will be no matter how long his run is. Who else has prepared us for progress as much as he has? 

Yes we should have a female president, but it has to be the right one. It can’t be just anyone. Clinton has shown even more why she was the wrong choice. She lost her bid for president 3 times (including the 2008 primary run), and it is more clear now than ever why

I adore Elisabeth Warren, but she too is showing why she may not be the best choice

But how many times has AOC shut down attacks on her better than any political leader (male or female)? 

Progress takes time, but I strongly feel that a vote for Bernie is actually a vote for our first female president

Rome wasn’t built in a day after all.

Photo Credits: https://unsplash.com/@midwestiscool?utm_source=squarespace&medium=referral https://unsplash.com/@willianwest?utm_source=squarespace&medium=referral