Why Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Will Be President in 2024

I actually think she has a great chance in 2024. I am actually working on a very detailed blog post on why, but here is the extremely short version. 

1. The push for a female president gets stronger and stronger every election.

2. The push for another President of color gets stronger every election as well.

3. The push against old people running gets stronger and stronger every election. She barely makes the cut age wise.

4. She's sharp as it gets and takes no BS better than anyone I have seen in 30 years of seriously paying attention to politics.

5. She should be able to get the majority of the Bernie Sanders supporters, and it is strongly rumored that this was his plan the entire time. So he will campaign like hell for her.

It should also be noted that there is no one that has a bigger chance of healing the Democratic party than her. The 'We must have a female president' faction will be seriously tempted and pressured to join in with the 'Bernie Bro' faction. Get both of those together and you will have a force stronger than ever.

The Democratic party is leaning further left all the time. Although I am not at all a fan of Biden, his platform is more progressive than any post primary Democratic candidate in history. No matter if we get Trump again, or Biden, the country will be very ready for her style of leadership.