The Squad To Endorse Bernie Sanders

Or… “Why We Should All Say #IEndorseBernieSanders”

So The Squad has made it clear that they are on the road to a full endorsement of Senator Bernie Sanders. 

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York and Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota will announce their endorsement just days from now. 

Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib has said she will hold back, but with Senator Sanders coming to her district on Oct 27th, it's a good bet she will join in at that time. 

The only hold out right now is Rep. Ayanna Pressley, but this could be part of a larger strategy. 

If they all announced their support of Senator Bernie Sanders on the same day, it would generate one day of news stories. 

Having their announcements separated by almost a week each keeps endorsements in the air.

Because of this extremely smart strategy, they have a bigger chance of encouraging others to endorse him as well.  

All four of these women are sharp as fresh new tacks and know how to strategize like few others can. 

It's their precision in this skill that got them all into office. 

They also understand the long tail strategy, and I believe that this is all part of a much larger plan. 

Imagine if you will that the Senator wins and they get him into office. 

If he bows out for a second term, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will be old enough to run for president herself. 

If he stays for eight years, these ladies could be planning to have a full eight years of true progressive leadership in this country. 

That might be enough to fix most of the damage that the current occupant of the White House has done to this country. 

Never forget for a second what Bernie Sanders’ mantra has been from the beginning. 

"It's not me, but us."

Share this story if you agree. 

Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen