How fast would you report your rape DUDE!?

Photo by Tamás Mészáros from Pexels:

Let me ask you men a question. We all sit around with our guy friends spewing 'guy talk,' thumping our chests, trying to keep from showing weakness, trying to show what manly men we are. What's one action that would take away all that macho image we have worked so hard to put forth? What if one day we are walking down the street alone, we get jumped by six other guys, and we get brutally raped. Right in the ass, they take their turns. One by one dropping their load.

Many of you have already wussed out on even reading this far. In fact, I would be shocked if any guy is still reading at all. But in case some are still following this, let me ask one question. How quickly would you start telling people about the smell of their cologne, how their sweat from their forehead dripped on your back while they pumped their seed into your ass? How quickly would you want to tell anyone about how fast you wanted to take the hottest shower you could stand? Oh wait, you shouldn't take that shower yet. You are expected to go straight to the police department to continue the poking and prodding so they can take samples. Otherwise your rapists can't be prosecuted.

So I ask you now, why wouldn't you race to report it?

Don't question women who are hesitant to report their rapists when you would do the exact same thing in that situation.

FTR- Yes I am a male. No, I've never been raped, molested, or sexually harassed in my life. I just try to not be a dick and consider others. I am a heterosexual, metal loving, whiskey drinking, card carrying member of the Teamsters Union. So don't think for a second you can dismiss my question because I'm some liberal cliché you want to imagine I am. Remember, this entire article is just one question. "How fast would you report it if you were brutally raped?"