Yes Kathy Griffin was wrong. Many other liberals have come out and said so. A few came out and celebrated her photo holding a fake bloody head of Donald Trump. So this is for them.
Do you remember when Ted Nugent talked about President Obama, Hillary Clinton, and I believe at some point Senator Elizabeth Warren? Remember how the secret service had a little chat with him about that and he chilled out?
Yes we live in a country where our government is not allowed to silence our speech. But as with all rights, there are limits. You can’t yell fire in a crowded theater. You also can’t encourage violence against another person, especially our president! This is a good limitation, because when the tables are turned it protects us.
I also want to point out that Kathy Griffin was fired from CNN. That was the right thing to do. It was also the right thing for her to apologize. What repercussions did Ted Nugent get? Label didn’t drop him, venues didn’t cancel shows, and sponsors were never contacted. This is how it goes. We will always be held to a higher standard. We need to be better than those doing evil. It’s the curse of the hero. Be better than the villain.
Is he a horrible president? Yes! Do we want him gone? Absolutely! Is violence the answer? NEVER!
That being said, I have no problem with him eating lots of greasy burgers, extra bacon, and not getting any real exercise.
More importantly, I wish my fellow liberals would focus on 2018. It’s coming up fast and our progressive candidates need teams to support them.